
Coronavirus Conversations: Surviving & Thriving As A STEM Grad Student During The Pandemic

22may1:00 pm2:00 pmCoronavirus Conversations: Surviving & Thriving As A STEM Grad Student During The Pandemic


Virtual Meeting

Other Events


May 22, 2020 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Details

Co-hosted by The Duke University Graduate School.


Friday May 22, 2020 1:00 PM (EDT), Zoom

Being a graduate student in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) discipline is always challenging and stressful.  How do the stresses and challenges increase during a pandemic, when students abruptly find themselves unable to go into their lab or do their field work?  How can graduate students adapt to these additional challenges, and what can advisors and graduate schools do to support them during these challenging times?  Are new opportunities for STEM graduate students arising during the pandemic, and if so, how can grad students take advantage of these opportunities?

Join Duke Science & Society as we discuss the unique challenges of STEM graduate school work during a global pandemic.

Panelists :

Alexandra Kralick, 4th-year PhD student Biological Anthropology, University. of Pennsylvania.  She studies human evolution and Tweets @BioAnthFunFacts

Susanna Harris. PhD, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Microbiology. While in grad school she started PhD Balance (https://www.phdbalance.com) to support/promote mental health and well being for grad students.  She Tweets @SusannaLHarris

Melissa Bostrom, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Professional Development in The Graduate School at Duke University, Director, Duke Graduate School Emerging Leader Institute and Professional Development Series


Jory Weintraub, Ph.D. Science Communication Program Director, Senior Lecturing Fellow, Duke Initiative for Science & Society


Co-Hosted by:


This virtual event series is open to the public. Press covering the coronavirus outbreak are welcome to attend. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates.

Have an idea for a future Coronavirus Conversation ?


Coronavirus Conversations: A new, virtual event series from Duke Science & Society


As we practice social distancing, engage in online learning, and work remotely we are burdened with questions about how this pandemic is affecting our lives, the lives of those we love, and the society we are a part of. Over the course of this event series faculty and staff from Duke Science and Society will join academics, lawmakers, students, researchers, doctors, and others to shed some light on the events happening around us and what life will start to look like moving forward.

We will have moderated, casual lunch-time discussions with brief Q&A held via Zoom chat.

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