
Data Privacy Day - Beyond HIPAA: Mental Health Apps, Health Data, and Privacy

02feb8:30 am12:00 pmData Privacy Day - Beyond HIPAA: Mental Health Apps, Health Data, and Privacy


Duke Law School, Room 3041

Other Events


February 2, 2024 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Event Details

Twenty-first century technologies, in particular the apps we use on our mobile devices, combined with the lack of effective, privacy protective laws in our information economy, create risks for data related to our health. Duke’s Data Privacy Day 2024 event, “Beyond HIPAA: Mental Health Apps, Health Data, and Privacy” will address the vast category of health information that is not covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and the urgent need for privacy law and policy to regulate the commercial collection and use of this data.

In a fireside chat, Marc Groman and David Reitman will introduce our topic by discussing mental health apps and the privacy implications of these services. In addition to the data generated by our increasing pursuit of mental and physical health, fitness, and wellbeing in a digital environment, sensitive information about our health can be inferred from our online and digital interactions and subsequently monetized or used for unanticipated purposes. In an extended discussion with a panel of experts, we will explore the meaning of health data and the ways it is collected and used as well as legal and policy solutions to the multi-faceted challenges generated by the commercial use of this data. Please see below for more information about our esteemed panelists – Maneesha Mithal, Justin Sherman, Tim Sparapani, Dr. Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, Marc Groman and David Reitman. We hope you will plan to join us for Data Privacy Day at the Duke Law School on Friday, February 2!


Feb. 1, 2024
Welcome Dinner for Panelists

February 2, 2024
Duke Law School, Room 3041

8:30 – 9:00 am: Check-in and Breakfast

9:00 – 9:15 am: Opening Remarks and Welcome (Jolynn Dellinger and David Hoffman)

9:15 – 10:00 am: Fireside Chat on Mental Health Applications (Marc Groman and David Reitman – moderated by Jolynn Dellinger)

10:00 – 10:15 am: Break

10:15 am – 12:00 pm: Panel on Healthcare Data – Technical, Legal, Policy, and Regulatory Perspectives (Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, Maneesha Mithal, Justin Sherman, and Tim Sparapani)

12:15 – 1:15 pm: Panelist Lunch (invitation only)


More Info & RSVP

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