S&S Dinner Dialogues, with Professor David McAdams - Big data and the future of privacy.
October 23, 2018 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Details
As tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon strive to
Event Details
As tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon strive to gather ever-more information about us, and more and more devices are designed to watch and listen to us, we are living more and more monitored lives. But will this trend continue? Right now, the market value of private information (e.g., where you are and what you want) is very high—but, in a world where everything we do is public, that market value could crash.
Tech companies could therefore be forced to adopt dramatically different business models. What then is the future of privacy? In this Dinner Dialogue, we will explore this question through the lens of game theory–discussing not just the coming upheaval in the digital economy but the intertwined impact of changing social relationships, scientific innovation, and government action. (For a good introduction to game theory and how it can be applied in practice, listen to Dr. McAdams’ 2014 interview with Science for the People.
Professor David McAdams is Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business.
- How game theory is applied across a wide variety of problems
- 2014 interview with Science for the People
- “The Future of Privacy” by Lee Rainie and Janna Anderson, Pew Research Center: Internet and Technology, 2014
- The End of Privacy – NY Times
- Attempts to stay anonymous on the web will only put the NSA on your trail – The Guardian
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Where to meet:
Selected attendees will be notified via email several days in advance of the dinner with details regarding meeting location. All dinners will be within reasonable driving distance to Duke campus.
Science & Society will also provide a shuttle for those unable to arrange transportation to the dinner dialogue location. Shuttles will depart 30 minutes before the scheduled event from the front entrance of the North Building on West Campus. Click here for a map.
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