Misha Angrist
Misha Angrist

Periodic Tables

What is Periodic Tables?

Periodic Tables is an informal science gathering during which invited speakers share interesting, relevant science to the general public in an engaging and interactive way.

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Who does it serve?

Members of the local Triangle community are welcome to attend.

Where and when is it held?

Periodic Tables is located at Motorco Music Hall in Durham, North Carolina. It will be held once a month. Stay on the look out for events posted on our page!

Is there an admissions fee?

Admission is free, but a donation of $5 or more will help offset the cost of the venue and guest presenters. All ticket sales go toward supporting the program.

Periodic Tables: Heat + Health 101: The Impact of Heat On Our Bodies and Our Communities

Thursday, January 23rd from 7 – 8 p.m.

Heat affects the human body in many ways and at many stages, from pregnancy to old age. It also affects communities’ growth and stability. So who is most at risk when the temperature rises? What are the most pervasive myths and misperceptions about heat and human health that recent data have forced us to reconsider?

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Periodic Tables: A Global Rx: How Every Country Can Halve Premature Death by 2050

It’s easy to feel pessimistic about the state of the world’s health. The perfect storm of crises can seem intractable, from the health impacts of climate change to deadly wars and the constant risk of epidemics and pandemics. Yet despite these challenges, Dr. Gavin Yamey, professor of global health and public policy at Duke, is profoundly optimistic when it comes to tackling disease and improving human health worldwide. He’ll discuss why he thinks every nation could halve its premature deaths by 2050.

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