Janet Malek

Janet Malek, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor in Science & Society

Janet Malek, Ph.D. is a Visiting Associate Professor in Science & Society, teaching courses in clinical bioethics and methods in bioethics and health policy. She is an Associate Professor in the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine and a Clinical Ethicist at Houston Methodist Hospital. Dr. Malek earned her PhD in philosophy and bioethics from Rice University in 2004 and now teaches health care ethics and professionalism for medical students, residents, and faculty. She also conducts research on the implementation of genomic sequencing into clinical practice and serves as an ethics consultant at Houston Methodist, a national leader in clinical ethics consultation practice and training.

Dr. Malek serves on the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities’ Core Competencies 3rd Edition Task Force, chairs the Ethics Committee for the North American Fetal Therapy Network, and is a Past Chair of the Board of Directors of the Academy for Professionalism in Health Care. Her research focuses on issues related to clinical ethics, reproductive decision making, fetal and pediatric ethics, and professionalism education. Currently she is working on a project describing justice-based obligations to future people and how those obligations shape the ethical analysis of decisions about having and raising children.