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Mon, Feb 27

Science & Society Awarded Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Special Projects Initiative Grant

Science & Society has been awarded the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Special Projects Initiative Grant to expand their SciPol program tools and topical coverage.

SciPol is a nonpartisan public service website designed to better integrate science into policy and legal decision-making by providing policy updates, explanation of the relevant science at issue, and opportunities for engagement in the policy-making process.

The highly collaborative project will further Duke University’s strategic impact by helping establish Duke’s expertise in rapidly evolving fields of science policy. It equips participating students with skills to pursue science policy careers and champions Duke faculty experts weighing in on the policymaking discussion.

Grant funds will go toward supporting postdoctoral staff who will lead new teams of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty contributors in science policy analysis and the development of new site content.

In addition, online science policy training modules will be developed as a means to train new authors, support existing contributors, and serve SciPol’s broad user base. These pedagogical tools will be designed for incorporation into the classroom in an effort to bring policy training and awareness into traditional STEM education. Materials will be structured to successfully engage a wide spectrum of students at the high-school, collegiate, and professional levels.

The grant period begins January 1, 2017 and runs until December 31, 2017