Nita Farahany, PhD, JD



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Nita Farahany

Nita Farahany, PhD, JD

Director of Science & Society, Professor of Law & Philosophy

Nita Farahany is Professor of Law & Philosophy at Duke Law School, Director of Science & Society, and Faculty Chair of the MA in Bioethics & Society Policy. Since 2010, she has served on Obama’s Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. Her scholarship focuses on the ethical, legal, and social implications of biosciences and emerging technologies, particularly those related to neuroscience and behavioral genetics. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute, Chair of the Criminal Justice Section of the American Association of Law Schools, is one of the co-founding editors-in-chief of Journal of Law and the Biosciences, and serves on the Board of the International Neuroethics Society. She received an AB from Dartmouth College, an MA, PhD, and JD from Duke University, and an ALM from Harvard University. Click for more info.


Misha Angrist, PhD, MFA

Senior Fellow, Science & Society; Associate Professor of the Practice, SSRI; Visiting Associate Professor of the Practice, Sanford School of Public Policy

Misha Angrist is Senior Fellow in Science & Society, Associate Professor of the Practice at SSRI, and Visiting Associate Professor of the Practice in the Sanford School of Public Policy. He serves as the lead of the Public Impact & Engagement track for the MA in Bioethics & Science Policy and as a faculty mentor, and he is teaching several MA core and elective courses. In his work, he explores the intersection of biology and society, especially as it relates to the governance of human participation in research and medicine. Click for more info.

Jeffrey P. Baker, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Jeffrey Baker is a professor of Pediatrics and History, he has practiced for over 25 years as a general pediatrician in Duke Children’s Primary Care with a focus on children with autism and special needs. His historical work has also centered on child health. As the author of the book, The Machine in the Nursery, he is a leading authority on the history of neonatal medicine. Most recently, he has been engaged in a project reconstructing the work of the “discoverer” of autism, Dr. Leo Kanner, through examining original case records from Johns Hopkins University. Click for more info


Victor Bennett, PhD

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Affiliations: Fuqua School of Business
Victor Bennett is a member of the Strategy area faculty at Duke‘s Fuqua School of Business. During the 2016-2017 academic year, he served as the Senior Economist for Technology and Competition Policy for the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). His recent research focuses on the trend in the American economy towards fewer, bigger firms that are harder to displace. His work has been published in top journals including Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and has been covered in the press including the Wall Street Journal, Marketplace (APM), Quartz, Rolling Stone, and Bloomberg Businessweek. Currently, Dr. Bennett teaches the core course “Fundamentals of Strategy” at Fuqua. Click for more info


Mark Borsuk, PhD

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Affiliation: Pratt School of Engineering
Mark Borsuk’s research concerns the development and application of mathematical models for integrating scientific information on natural, technical, and social systems. He is a widely-cited expert in Bayesian network modeling with regular application to environmental and human health regulation and decision making. He is also the originator of novel approaches to climate change assessment, combining risk analysis, game theory, and agent-based modeling. Borsuk’s highly collaborative research has been funded by NSF, EPA, NIH, NIEHS, and USFS, and he has authored or co-authored 75 peer-reviewed journal publications and 6 book chapters. Click for more info

Jolynn Dellinger

Jolynn Dellinger, JD

Senior Lecturing Fellow

Jolynn Dellinger is the Stephen and Janet Bear Visiting Lecturer and a Kenan Senior Fellow at the Kenan Institute for Ethics, where she teaches privacy and ethics and does work in the area of ethical tech. In addition to teaching Privacy Law and Policy at Duke Law as a Senior Lecturing Fellow, Dellinger is an Adjunct Professor at UNC School of Law, a member of the Board of Directors for the Triangle Privacy Research Hub, and a member of the Future of Privacy Forum Advisory Board. She also recently served as Special Counsel for Privacy Policy and Litigation for the North Carolina Department of Justice.

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Charles Gersbach, PhD

Rooney Family Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering; Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Charles Gersbach researches the insertion of newly engineered genes into model organisms. While this work holds great promise for the benefit of humanity, he also considers the ethical consequences of these experiments. Furthermore, he leads an extracurricular undergraduate club that develops novel experiments pertaining to a broad range of themes, including synthetic and genetic engineering. Click for more info.

Jeffrey T. Glass

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director, Master of Engineering Management Program; Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Jeffrey T. Glass is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a secondary appointment as a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University. He is the Faculty Director of Duke’s Master of Engineering Management Program and also holds the Hogg Family endowed chair in Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship. Click for more info.


David Hoffman, JD

Adjunct Instructor in the Sanford School of Public Policy

Affiliation: Sanford School of Public Policy
David Hoffman is Director of Security Policy and Global Privacy Officer at Intel Corporation, in which capacity he covers Intel’s privacy compliance activities, legal support for privacy and security and external privacy and security policy engagements. Mr. Hoffman serves on the Department of Homeland Security’s Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors of the National Cyber Security Alliance. Mr. Hoffman has also served on the US Federal Trade Commission’s Online. Mr. Hoffman has a JD from The Duke University School of Law, where he was a Member of the Duke Law Journal. Click for more info

Cynthia Kuhn, PhD

Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology; Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Cynthia Kuhn is a professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at Duke University, and co-author of Buzzed: The Straight Facts about the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy. Click for more info.


Madeline Liddicoat, M.B.A.

Associate Director, Science & Society

Madeline Liddicoat manages the strategy and operations of Science & Society. She works with the Director and Faculty Leadership to develop and implement the strategic plan for the Initiative. She oversees recruitment and communications. She manages the administrative staff. She handles department finances, human resources, and administration. Click for more info


David McAdams, PhD

Professor, Business Administration, Fuqua; Professor, Economics

David McAdams is Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business and Professor of Economics. Before joining the faculty at Duke, he was Associate Professor of Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He has also worked as Special Assistant to the Director in the Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Economics. His primary research interests are microeconomic theory and game theory, with a special focus on strategic interactions between buyers and sellers, including auctions, pricing, negotiations, and relationships. Click for more info.

John Moses Jr., MD

Associate Professor of Pediatrics

John Moses’ research interests have focused on exploring various health and social issues through the perspective of documentary photography. In recent years, he has contributed photographs to books about adolescent parents and primary care. He is currently working on a project about gun-inflicted injuries. He is also working on a book that will present photographs made by children coping with chronic illness. Click for more info.

Megan Mullin, PhD

Associate Professor of Environmental Politics; Director of Graduate Studies of the University Program in Environmental Policy; Associate Professor of Political Science

Megan Mullin is a scholar of American political institutions and behavior, focusing on how political and social processes contribute to environmental outcomes. She has a secondary appointment as Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science. Her main areas of research are in decentralized governance, water management, and climate change politics. Click for more info.

Brian Murray Portrait

Brian C. Murray, PhD

Director of the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability; Research Professor in the Nicholas School of the Environment; Research Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy

Brian Murray, Ph.D., is the director of Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, which accelerates solutions to critical energy and environmental challenges. Murray is also a research professor at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and the Sanford School of Public Policy. He is widely recognized for his research on the economics of energy policy, particularly as it relates to efforts to mitigate climate change risk. Click for more info.


Phil Napoli, PhD

James R. Shepley Professor of Public Policy

Phil Napoli is the James R. Shepley Professor of Public Policy and a Faculty Affiliate with the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media & Democracy. He also serves as a Docent at the University of Helsinki. Professor Napoli’s research focuses on media institutions and media regulation and policy. He has provided formal and informal expert testimony on these topics to government bodies such as the U.S. Senate, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Congressional Research Service. Click for more info


Kenneth Rogerson, PhD

Professor of the Practice in the Sanford School of Public Policy

Kenneth S. Rogerson is Professor of the Practice at Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy, and former Research Director of the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy at Duke University. He is currently the Director of Graduate Studies for the Sanford Master’s of Public Policy Program and the Director of Duke’s Policy Journalism and Media Studies Certificate Program. He has served as chair of the American Political Science Association’s Information Technology and Politics Section and the International Studies Association’s International Communication Section. Click for more info

Alex Rosenberg

Alexander Rosenberg, PhD

R. Taylor Cole Professor, Philosophy

Alexander Rosenberg is the R. Taylor Cole Professor of Philosophy. He has held fellowships from the National Science Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. His research interests include: the philosophy of biology; philosophy of cognitive, behavioral, & social science; philosophy of science; causation; Hume; and metaphysics. He is the author of several books and has also written approximately 180 papers in the philosophy of biology, the philosophy of cognitive, behavioral and social science (especially economics), and causation. Click for more info.


Chris Simmons, MEd

Associate Vice President, Office of Federal Relations

(ex-officio member) Chris Simmons came to Duke in 2006 after having served in advocacy roles for the Association of American Universities (AAU) and the American Council on Education (ACE) in Washington, DC. Prior to working for the higher education associations, Simmons was a policy analyst for the National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education and Assistant Director of Admissions at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. He is the past Chairman of the Board for the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science and is a recent co-chair for the Ad-Hoc Tax Group. He is a former member of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) Board of Directors and AAU Council of Federal Relations Steering Committee. Click for more info.


David Toole, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor, Practice of Theology, Ethics, and Global Health; Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Initiatives

David Toole has a joint appointment in the Divinity School, the Kenan Institute for Ethics, and the Duke Global Health Institute. He teaches courses on theology and social science, the history and ethics of humanitarianism, and health systems and policy, with an emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa. His current research centers on the role of mission hospitals in African health systems, with a particular focus on the countries of the Nile River Basin in eastern Africa. In addition to his teaching and his research on hospitals and health systems, he serves as the associate dean for Interdisciplinary Initiatives in the Divinity School and is the principal investigator of the Clergy Health Initiative. Click for more info.

Michael “Buz” Waitzkin, JD

Deputy Director of Science & Society, Senior Lecturing Fellow

Buz Waitzkin is the Deputy Director of Science & Society and a Senior Lecturing Fellow. For the past fifteen years, he has taught at Duke and has been a frequent lecturer at other universities on issues of science law, policy, ethics, and politics, with a focus on developing biomedical technologies. He has designed and taught the ethics seminar in the Duke Master of Management in Clinical Informatics and has organized and moderated a series of evening symposia on current issues in health care for Duke. He provides strategic counsel to the biomedical research community, including academics, government officials, private companies and non-profits. Click for more info.

Wald, Priscilla

Priscilla Wald, PhD

Professor of English and Women’s Studies

Priscilla Wald is Professor of English and Women’s Studies, on the steering committee of ISIS (Information Sciences + Information Studies), and an affiliate of the Trent Center for Bioethics and the Duke Institute for Global Health. She teaches and works on U.S. literature and culture, particularly literature of the late-18th to mid-20th centuries, contemporary narratives of science and medicine, science fiction literature and film, and environmental studies. Her current work focuses on the intersections among the law, literature, science, and medicine. In her research, her teaching, and her professional activities, she is committed to promoting conversations among scholars from science, medicine, law, and cultural studies in order to facilitate a richer understanding of these issues. Click for more info.


Jeffrey Ward, JD

Director of the Duke Center on Law & Tech, Clinical Professor of Law

Jeff Ward is a Clinical Professor of Law and the Director of the Duke Center on Law & Tech (DCLT), which coordinates Duke’s leadership at the intersection of law and technology with programs such as the Duke Law Tech Lab, a pre-accelerator for legal technology companies, and the Access Tech Tools initiative, a program to help students and Duke’s community partners to employ human-centered design thinking and available technologies to create tools to enhance access to legal services. Click for more info

Jonathan Wiener Profile Pic

Jonathan Wiener, JD

William R. and Thomas L. Perkins Professor of Law; Professor, Environmental Policy; Professor, Public Policy

Jonathan Wiener is the William R. Perkins Distinguished Professor of Law, Professor of Environmental Policy at the Nicholas School of the Environment, and Professor of Public Policy at the Sanford School of Public Policy. He is also the director of the JD-LLM Program in International and Comparative Law at Duke Law School. He has written widely on U.S., European, and international environmental law and risk regulation. Before coming to Duke, he worked on U.S. and international environmental policy at the White House Council of Economic Advisers, at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and at the US Department of Justice, serving in both the first Bush and Clinton administrations. Click for more info.

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