
Graduate/Professional Students: Emerging Leaders in Science & Society Info Session

26mar12:00 pm1:00 pmGraduate/Professional Students: Emerging Leaders in Science & Society Info Session


Science & Society Classroom, North Building 232

304 Research Drive, Durham, NC 27708

Other Events


March 26, 2015 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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Event Details

Join us to learn how to become an ELISS Fellow to engage meaningfully in your community, work on an interdisciplinary team, and tackle a complex problem for the benefit of society. Pizza provided by Science & Society.

Duke University has earned an invitation to participate as a campus partner in a national program hosted by AAAS, called Emerging Leaders in Science and Society (ELISS). The mission of ELISS is to prepare graduate and professional students from all disciplines to collaborate across boundaries to solve complex societal challenges. ELISS is an extracurricular leadership development program that will allow students to engage meaningfully in both our local community and across the country. ELISS fellows will complete this task by working as a multi-campus team to identify and address an issue under the themes of Energy and Environment or Health and Wellness. They will spend approximately 5 hours per week for 18 months developing leadership skills, engaging local and national stakeholders and experts in dialogue, and organizing community events to share information.

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