
Roundtable: Uncovering the Ancestors of Our Genes with Charmaine Royal

14apr12:00 pm1:00 pmRoundtable: Uncovering the Ancestors of Our Genes with Charmaine Royal


Science & Society Classroom, North Building 232

304 Research Drive, Durham, NC 27708

Other Events


April 14, 2016 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Event Details

With direct-to-consumer genetic ancestry testing, we can easily obtain personal genetic information to learn more about our genealogical histories, geographic origins, and population affiliations. What are the ethical, social, legal, and scientific implications of genetic ancestry tests? How does the US public perceive and understand these tests as they relate to race and identity? And how do we handle potential psychological implications of the results? Join us for a lively discussion with Charmaine DM Royal, PhD, Associate Professor of African & African American Studies and Core Faculty in the Duke Initiative for Science & Society.


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