Master of Arts in
Applied Ethics & Policy
Our students are encouraged to explore widely among the schools and departments at Duke to take electives such Science and the Media, FDA Law and Policy, Race, Genomics, & Society, Health Disparities, Innovation and Political Entrepreneurship, Theological Ethics, and more. Additionally, students may design their own independent study projects working with one of our faculty. Receive more info Join an Online Info SessionThe Master of Arts in Applied Ethics & Policy graduate program engages an amazing group of Duke faculty from all over campus to offer a robust selection of intellectually stimulating elective courses. Below is a representative and non-exhaustive sample of electives relevant to bioscientists and technologists. This list is offered only to suggest the breadth of electives a student might consider. We encourage our students to range widely across all of the schools and departments of Duke to identify and take courses that are relevant to their scholarly and professional interests.
Note: While you can take courses below the 500-level, some may not count towards your MA degree requirements or overall GPA calculation. Special permission is needed to take courses below the 500-level. You may email Professor Buz Waitzkin for more information.
Electives in the Biosciences
BIOETHIC 606 | Activism And Advocacy |
BIOETHIC 700 | Research Independent Study |
BIOETHIC 701 | Fda Law And Policy |
BIOETHIC 701 | Intro To Research Methodology |
BIOETHIC 702 | Communication For Scientists |
BIOETHIC 703 | Frontier Robotics |
BIOETHIC 706 | Amicus Lab |
BIOLOGY 329 | Principles Animal Phys |
BIOLOGY 417S | Genetic Engineer/Biotech |
BIOLOGY 420 | Cancer Genetics |
BIOLOGY 431S | Human Embryology |
BIOLOGY 515 | Principles Of Immunology |
BIOLOGY 554 | Human Evolutionary Genomics |
BIOLOGY 590S | Seminar |
BIOLOGY 726 | Dynamic Modeling Of Biol Sys |
BME 529 | Theortical & Applied Poly Sci |
BME 570L | Intro Biomolecular Egr |
BME 577 | Drug Transport Analysis |
BME 590 | Advanced Topics |
BME 701S | Bme Graduate Seminars |
BME 702S | Bme Graduate Seminars |
CBB 510S | Comp Bio Seminar |
CEE 690 | Advanced Topics In Cee |
CEE 890 | Special Readings |
COMPSCI 701 | Intro Grad Students Compsci |
CRP 242 | Prin Of Clinical Research |
CRP 243 | Intro To Medical Genetics |
CRP 249 | Health Services Research |
CRP 273 | Impl/Diss Of Hlthcare Research |
ECON 334 | Health Economics |
ENERGY 630 | Transportation And Energy |
ENERGY 795 | Connections In Energy: Project |
ENGLISH 490 | Special Topics Lang/Lit |
ENVIRON 569 | Should I Eat Fish? |
ENVIRON 590 | Special Topics |
ENVIRON 640 | Climate Change Econ And Policy |
ETHICS 250S | Governance And Healthcare |
ETHICS 590S | Special Topics In Ethics |
EVANTH 355 | Food For Thought |
GENOME 205 | Science And Masculinity |
GENOME 256 | Genome Sciences And Society |
GENOME 258 | Race, Genomics, And Society |
GENOME 502S | Communicating Science & Bioeth |
GENOME 590S | Topics In Genome Sciences |
GERMAN 102 | First-Year German Ii |
GLHLTH 341 | Ethics Of Infectious Disease |
GLHLTH 571 | Intro To Maternal/Child Health |
GLHLTH 660 | Global Mental Health |
GLHLTH 701 | Global Health Challenges |
GLHLTH 720 | Decolonizing Global Health |
GLHLTH 750 | Health Systems In Developing Countries |
GLHLTH 755 | Global Health Policy |
GLHLTH 771 | One Health: From Philosophy to Practice |
GLHLTH 795 | Connections In Global Health |
GLHLTH 840 | Ethics And Policy-Making |
HISTORY 371 | Food In Global History |
HISTORY 549S | Histories of Science and Technology |
HLTHMGMT 7 | Health Care Markets |
HLTHMGMT 7 | Biotech And Pharma Strategy |
LAW 200 | Administrative Law |
LAW 270 | Intellectual Property |
LAW 313 | Judicial Decisionmaking |
LAW 321 | Life Sciences Innovation |
LAW 347 | Health Care Law/Policy |
LAW 369 | Patent Law And Policy |
LAW 420 | Trial Pract |
LAW 512 | Medicine And The Law |
LAW 527 | Access To Medicines |
LAW 581 | Fintech |
LAW 590 | Risk Regulation U.S., Eur, Bey |
LAW 593 | Sexuality And The Law |
LAW 636 | Food Law And Policy |
LINGUIST 208 | Philosophy Of Mind |
LIT 390S | Special Topics In Literature |
ME 555 | Advanced Topics |
ME 759 | Special Readings |
MOLCAN 819 | Cancer As A Disease |
NEUROBIO 75 | Neurotoxicology |
NEUROSCI 27 | Sex/Gender – Nature/Nurture |
NURSING 563 | Trends Genetics And Genomics |
NURSING 564 | Intro Medical Spanish |
PHARM 733 | Experiment Design & Statistics |
PHIL 503S | Contemp Ethical Theories |
PHIL 541S | Hist/Phil Perspect On Science |
PHIL 590S-02 | Special Fields Seminar: Ethics & AI |
PHIL 640S | Philosophical Psychology |
PHIL 692S | Bioethics |
PHIL 753S | Principles In Cog Neuro I |
PHYSEDU 116 | Weight Training For Women |
PHYSEDU 126 | Volleyball |
POLSCI 631L | Deduct/Analytical Approaches |
PSY 510S | Developmental Psychopathology |
PSY 611 | Global Mental Health |
PSY 668S | Everyday Cognition |
PSY 759S | Principles In Cog Neuro I |
PUBPOL 165 | Intro To Us Health Care Systm |
PUBPOL 348 | Science And Policy Of Obesity |
PUBPOL 510S | Science And The Media |
PUBPOL 524S | Health Disparities |
PUBPOL 525S | Poverty Pol And Welfare Reform |
PUBPOL 560S | Philanthropic Fdn And Pub Pol |
PUBPOL 590S | Adv Top In Public Policy |
PUBPOL 726 | Innov And Pol Entrepreneurship |
PUBPOL 727 | Service Delivery Systems |
PUBPOL 789 | Mini-Seminars In Idp |
PUBPOL 790 | Special Topics In Idp |
PUBPOL 825 | Topics In Health Policy |
PUBPOL 890 | Special Topics |
PUBPOL 891 | Special Topics |
SOCIOL 263 | Aging And Health |
SOCIOL 425 | Intellectual Prop & Innovation |
STA 111 | Probability/Stat Infer |
UPGEN 778 | Genetics and Genomics Solutions to Biological Problems |
XTIANETH 757 | Christian Ethics |
XTIANETH 807 | Theological Bioethics |
XTIANETH 999 | Directed Study |
XTIANTHE 790 | Topics In Theology |
Electives in Technology
BME 562 | Biology by Design |
BIOETHIC 590S | Privacy, Ethics, Data |
BIOETHIC 803 | AI & Robotics Law |
COMPSCI 570 | Artificial Intelligence |
COMPSCI 671D | Machine Learning |
ECON 506 | Macroeconomic Policy |
ECE 564 | Mobile App Development |
ECE 580 | Intro to Machine Learning |
ECON 530 | Resource & Environmental Economics I |
ENERGY 631 | Energy Technology & its Environmental Impacts |
ENRGYENV 625E | Energy, Markets & Innovation |
ENVIRON 552 | Climate & Society |
ENVIRON 630 | Transportation & Energy |
ENVIRON 835 | Environmental Law |
ENVIRON 717 | Markets for Electric Power |
ENVIRON 735A | Drones in Marine Science |
ETHICS 890S | Data & Democracy |
GLHLTH 549S | History of Science & Technology |
GLHLTH 840 | Ethics and Policy Making |
HLTHMGMT 710 | Health Institutions, Systems and Policy |
HLTHMGMT 712 | Medical Device Strategy |
HLTHMGMT 717 | Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Strategy |
I&E 590 | Hacking for defense |
IDS 790 | Special Topics in IDS EHR and Mobile Health |
LAW 205 | Antitrust |
LAW 312 | Cybercrime (Technology) |
LAW 332 | Coded Governance: Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Crypto-ventures (Technology) |
LAW 333 | Science Law and Policy |
LAW 550 | Cybersecurity & Data Breach Response |
LAW 581 | Fintech Law and Policy |
LAW 591 | Frontier Robotics |
LAW 592 | AI & Robotics Law |
LAW 609 | Readings: Intro to Cyber Law |
LAW 716 | Information Privacy / Government Surveillance |
LAW 740 | Data/Cyber Ethics Seminar |
LAW 766 | Law Practice Technology Seminar |
LAW 855 | Data Breach Response and Cybersecurity Due Diligence |
LAW 861 | Blockchain and Smart Contracts |
MANAGEMT 545Q | Ethical & Legal Issues of Data |
MANAGEMT 738 | Managing Innovation |
MARKETNG 802 | Marketing of Innovations |
ME 555 (09) | Advanced Topics – 3D Printing |
PHIL 590S (02) | Ethics & AI |
POLSCI 690S-3 | Advanced Topics: Privacy, Technology & National Security |
PUBPOL TBD | Technology and Trade Policy |
PUBPOL 590S | Cyber and Government Surveillance |
PUBPOL 613 | Technology Policy for the New Administration: Antirust, Speech and Other Emerging Issues |
PUBPOL 790 (04) | Science, Technology & Development Policy |
SCISOC 519 | International Organizations and Technology Policy |
SCISOC 559 | Research Statistics |
SCISOC 590 | Topics in Science & Society – Mission Driven Startup |
SCISOC 614S | Privacy, Ethics, Data, and Tech |