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Tech Ethics & Science Policy

Tech Ethics and Policy Concentration

Technology is on the front page of the news media every day. It permeates every facet of our daily lives, shifting the fabric of society and changing the way we live and interact. Masters students exploring tech ethics and policy will explore the ethical dilemmas resulting from these changes and the policymaking methods to translate those discussions into actionable policy recommendations. Receive more info Join an Online Info Session

Students focused on technology in the Duke Master of Arts in Bioethics & Science Policy program explore topics at the intersection of technology, ethics, law, and policy. Areas of study include big data and data privacy, artificial intelligence, and the increasing overlap between research, medicine, and technology.

Our hope is that through a rich multidisciplinary experience, our students will be well-prepared to partake in the critical ethical and policy discussions that are too often outpaced by the technological advances from which they originate.

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“The changes are so profound that, from the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential peril.”

– Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum


Additional Opportunities and Expertise at Duke

Duke Center on Risk

Professors Jonathan Wiener & Mark Borsuk

The Center on Risk is a university‐wide research, teaching, and engagement program focused on the detection, analysis, regulation, and mitigation of risk. Professors Wiener and Borsuk co-direct the Center and provide numerous research and teaching opportunities in risk, uncertainty, optimization, and decision-making.

Duke Center on Law & Tech

Professor Jeff Ward

Jeff Ward is Associate Dean of Technology and Innovation and serves as the Director of Duke’s Center on Law & Technology. Ward coordinates Duke’s leadership at the intersection of law and technology with programs like the Duke Law Tech Lab and his popular course Frontier AI & Robotics: Law & Ethics.

Duke Humans and Autonomy Lab

Professor David Hoffman

The Cyber Policy Program at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy was founded in 2019 under the leadership of Professor David Hoffman. As startups and large corporations alike push the boundaries of human achievement, there is a growing recognition of the importance of effective technology policy.

The Center for Innovation Policy at Duke Law

Professor Arti Rai

Arti Rai is deeply engaged in activities related to Science & Society, including helping to found the new Duke Law Center for Innovation Policy, which focuses on policy mechanisms for promoting scientific and technology innovation. Rai’s current work focuses on the intersection of trade secrecy incentives and explainability in AI-enabled health care delivery.

Ken Rogerson Expertise

Professor Ken Rogerson

Ken Rogerson is the Director of Graduate Studies for the Sanford Master’s of Public Policy Program and the Director of Duke’s Policy Journalism and Media Studies Certificate Program. He has served as chair of the American Political Science Association’s Information Technology and Politics Section and the International Studies Association’s International Communication Section.

Phil Napoli Expertise

Professor Philip Napoli

Phil Napoli’s research focuses on media institutions and media regulation and policy. He has provided formal and informal expert testimony on these topics to government bodies such as the U.S. Senate, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Congressional Research Service.

Duke Humans and Autonomy Lab

Professor Missy Cummings

Mary (Missy) Cummings directs the Humans and Autonomy Lab. Her research focuses on human-unmanned vehicle interaction, human-autonomous system collaboration, human-robot interaction, and the ethical and social impact of technology. HAL focuses on the multifaceted interactions of human and computer decision-making in complex sociotechnical systems with embedded autonomy.


This is not an exhaustive list. We encourage each of our students to seek out opportunities with associate and affiliate faculty and across campus that best fit their specific interests. The flexibility of our program allows every student to carve a uniquely personal path through their graduate studies.

View Sample Electives


About the Program Chair

Nita Farahany

Chairing the tech ethics and policy program is Dr. Nita Farahany. Dr. Farahany is Director of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society, a professor of law and philosophy, and a leading scholar on the ethical, legal and social implications of emerging technologies, particularly those related to neuroscience, genetics, and intelligent systems. She is a regular author and guest at the World Economic Forum and Aspen Ideas Festival, and recently presented a TED talk on brain data privacy.

Listen to Dr. Farahany discuss regulation for the fourth industrial revolution during the 2018 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Geneva.


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