"The Only People that Got Hurt Were the Small Guys"
Assessing Winners and Losers from the 2020 Political Ad Bans - A New Policy Brief from the Center on Science & Technology Policy“The Only People that Got Hurt Were the Small Guys”: Assessing the Winners and Losers from the 2020 Political Ad Bans
The Center on Science & Technology Policy
The Center on Science & Technology Policy is a collaboration between the Duke Sanford School of Public Policy and the Duke Initiative for Science and Society. CSTP serves as an interdisciplinary hub for science and technology policy analysis by bringing together policymakers, academics, non-profits, and industry to explore challenges and generate actionable policy solutions. CSTP brings together policymakers, academics, non-profits, and industry to explore these policy challenges and translate them into innovative policy solutions.
About the Authors
J. Scott Babwah Brennen is the senior research associate at the Center on Science and Technology Policy at Duke University. Before joining CSTP, he led research for the Oxford Martin Programme on Misinformation, Science, and Media at the University of Oxford.
Matt Perault is the Director of the Center on Science and Technology Policy and an Associate Professor of the Practice at Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy.