Research Areas
Duke scholars in science policy seek to study and influence how science can affect decision-making and policy, and likewise, how policy affects science and scientific research.
Faculty across Duke explore how policy can promote technological innovation; when new scientific advances can and should affect decision-making; how biological data, biological definitions, and behavior heritability influence policy; and the very role of science in our democratic society.
- Allen Buchanan, PhD (Philosophy)
- Doriane Labelet Coleman, JD (Law)
- Nita Farahany, PhD, JD (Law, Science & Society)
- Susanne Haga (Public Policy, Center for Personalized and Precision Medicine)
- Arti Rai, JD (Law)
- Neil Vidmar, JD (Law)
Representative Courses
- The Modern Regulatory State
- Information, Policy, and Ethics
- Influential Scientists and Policy Leaders in Science Policy
- Science and Technology Policy
- Policy Choice as Value Conflict, Ethics and Policy-Making